Southlake Modification Lawyers
Helping Clients Modify Court Orders in Tarrant County, Keller, Grapevine & Trophy Club
As life moves on beyond a divorce decree with its associated court orders concerning custody and visitation, child support, and spousal maintenance/alimony, your circumstances or those of your child(ren) can change. When those changes are significant, they can impact the existing court orders, making it difficult or impossible for you to comply. In such cases, you will need to go back to court seeking a modification that takes into account the new circumstances that have changed your life.
Do you need help with a modification? Contact our Southlake modification lawyer by calling (817) 697-0180 today!
When Might You Need a Modification?
Life is about change and, as these changes occur, family court orders that were issued in the past may no longer be feasible for you and/or your child(ren). In such instances, you will need to have them amended through the courts to be recognized and enforceable. This needs to occur even if the other party does not oppose the changes.
Circumstances that can occur requiring a modification of your divorce or paternity terms can include:
- A parent’s income has changed, such as by a job loss, reduction of hours, business failure, or self-employment failure making it impossible to keep up with child support or alimony payments.
- A parent’s income has substantially increased making it possible to pay more for child support.
- A parent now has additional children to support beyond those covered in child support payments.
- A child now has special needs due to injury or illness requiring an increase in support.
- A parent has been injured or become critically ill requiring changes to custody or support orders.
- A parent wishes to relocate to a distant city or state that will affect the other parent’s visitation ability and rights.
- Parents wish to change the primary residence of a child.
- Spousal maintenance/alimony is no longer required due to remarriage or cohabitation with a romantic partner.
Modifications of child support can only occur three years after the current order was issued and you have either:
- Experienced a “material” and substantial change in circumstances or
- The amount you are seeking differs by a certain percentage or amount from what you currently pay as set by law.
To change a child custody order, you must prove the material and substantial circumstantial change and the new order must be in the best interests of the child.
Contact our Southlake modifications attorney by calling (817) 697-0180 today!