Immigration Attorneys in Southlake, TX
Based in Texas & Serving Clients in the U.S. & at U.S. Embassies & Consulates Abroad
At the Law Office of Dana L. White, we provide both family-based and employment-based immigration services to clients in the greater Tarrant County area as well as to those across the state, the country, and those currently living abroad. We provide employers and employees with the latest and most appropriate immigration strategies. Our firm represents businesses as well as individuals and families undergoing the U.S. immigration process, wherever the immigration applicant/ petitioner/beneficiary may be, whether in the U.S. or on the other side of the world.
Employment-Based Immigration
Our firm handles but is not limited to the following employment-based immigration issues and visas.
- Temporary non-immigrant employment visas. Examples of these include the H-1B classification allowing foreign nationals to work in the U.S. for a temporary period.
- Employment-based permanent residence. These include permanent options for workers, such as green cards/permanent residency.
- Labor certification. The employment-based process for obtaining permanent residence involves the employer’s application to the U.S. Department of Labor for certification of a permanent position, testing the labor market, and demonstrating that U.S. workers are not being displaced for the job opportunity.
- Employer compliance matters. This includes assisting businesses with complex immigration compliance matters, including government audits, training HR staff regarding postings, and other regulatory compliance issues.
Family-Based Immigration
Our family-based immigration services include those for:
- Sponsorship of family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (green cardholders).
- Naturalization and citizenship.
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
Each year, over 500,000 persons obtain lawful permanent residence in the U.S. through sponsorship by a relative. U.S. citizens may sponsor the following relatives for lawful permanent residence: spouses, children, adult sons and daughters, parents, brothers, and sisters.
Marriage to a U.S. Citizen
Considered a ‘fast track’ for obtaining lawful permanent residence is marriage to a U.S. citizen, as a spouse of a U.S. citizen is deemed an “immediate relative” under the law. This means no quota restrictions exist on the number of people who can obtain green cards through marriage to U.S. citizens.
U.S. Permanent Residents Sponsorship
U.S. permanent residents are limited to sponsoring the following for lawful permanent residence: spouses, children, and unmarried adult sons and daughters. Except for spouses, children, and parents of U.S. citizens who are deemed “immediate relatives,” all other categories of relatives are subject to a numerically-limited preference system.
Obtaining a Green Card Through Marriage
To obtain a green card through marriage, your marriage must be a bona fide, i.e. ‘real’ marriage. This is a lot easier to prove if a wedding reception occurs where the U.S. citizen spouse’s relatives are present, where the couple has joint property and files joint income tax returns, and especially if the couple has a child together.
Unlawful Presence Waiver
We also provide guidance for seeking an Unlawful Presence Waiver for those who are barred from the U.S. due to the accumulation of too much time of unlawful presence in the U.S. These Waivers are based on the extreme hardship the person’s spouse or parents would suffer if such a Waiver were not granted.