Wills, Trusts, Probate & Guardianship

Southlake Wills, Trusts, Probate & Guardianship Lawyers

Serving Individuals & Families in Tarrant County, Keller, Grapevine & Trophy Club

Matters involving estates, such as the creation of wills, trusts, and other legal instruments as well as probate administration, can be complicated. These matters require the understanding and knowledge of a legal professional who can help you take appropriate actions that are right for you and the relevant circumstances. 


A Will is a legal document that directs who will inherit your real and private property when you die. If you do not have a legal Will prepared, then the laws of the state will dictate how your property is distributed. Often, the property is distributed in a way that is contrary to what the deceased would have wanted had he/she properly executed a valid legal Will. Further, without a legal Will, it is often more difficult, expensive, and time-consuming for the family members to legally transfer the property. At the Law Office of Dana L. White, our team will help to ensure that your assets pass according to your wishes.


The probate process is the formal procedure by which a deceased person’s estate is managed. Probate can take many forms, depending on whether a valid Will exists or not, and if the testator of the Will allowed for a dependent or independent administration of his or her Will. Our firm can guide you through the probate process based on the circumstances. We can also represent those involved in disputes related to the Will or other aspects of the probate process. 


Many types of trusts exist for various purposes, such as living trusts, charitable trusts, special needs trusts, and more. Trusts are legal entities into which you transfer assets that can be distributed to heirs and beneficiaries according to the instructions of the trust as set up by the trust creator. Living trusts are one of the most popular types of trusts which are created and funded during one’s lifetime. You can become the trustee of the trust to manage the assets as you see fit. Upon your passing, the trust’s assets are then distributed by your successor trustee per your instructions.


Guardianships can be established on a full or limited basis for an adult person and/or the person’s estate. They are appointed by the courts for adults who can no longer manage their affairs due to age and/or mental or physical incapacity. The guardian for the person is given legal control over the person’s personal daily affairs such as housing, food, clothing, etc. The guardian for the person’s estate is given legal control over the person’s financial affairs, assets, and property. 

Powers of Attorney

A Power of Attorney (POA) designates someone else to handle whatever matters you assign to them for a limited or unlimited time. Durable Powers of Attorney allow you to name another person as your agent to act in your place should you become incapacitated. Other POAs can be used for specific acts that you may need else to do. For example, you can create a POA to transfer motor vehicles used in divorces

Medical Powers of Attorney

Medical Powers of Attorney allow individuals to name one or more people as their medical agents to act in their place should they become incapacitated. If you do not have a medical POA, your family will likely have to endure the difficult and expensive process of obtaining a guardianship over you to handle your medical care.

Healthcare Directives

Also known as living wills or advanced directives, these documents let medical professionals know what your wishes are regarding end-of-life medical care and interventions, such as life support.